

​​​​​​​Quality Questionnaire Response

SIRS’ pre-filled Quality Questionnaire, CF-426 response is available in the below attachment for Customers requiring company quality information. This pre-completed form shall be submitted to our Customers alongside copies of our approval certification.

View the Quality Questionnaire

SIRS-SIL-CE2-A25-01 Rev.03

Customers, please read and review the attached SIL and apply within your organisations with immediate effect.

Please check the website for an update to the SIL.

View Service Information Letter

Laws and Regulations: SIRS’ Code of Conduct

  1. Compliance with Laws
    SIRS comply with all applicable laws and regulations of the countries in which operations are managed and/or products are provided.
  2. Human Rights
    SIRS treat employees, Customers and other Interested Parties with respect and dignity, encourage diversity, promote equalopportunity and host an all-inclusive and ethical culture.

    Child Labour: SIRS ensure that illegal child labour is not used in the performance of work.

    Human Trafficking: SIRS adhere to regulations prohibiting human trafficking and comply with all UK laws. SIRS refrain from violating the rights of others and address any adverse human rights impacts in our operations.
  3. Employment Practices

    Harassment: SIRS ensure that our employees are provided an employment environment that is free from physical, psychological, and verbal harassment, or other abusive conduct.

    Non-discrimination: SIRS provide equal employment opportunity to employees and applicants for employment without discrimination.

    Wage and Benefits: SIRS pay employees at least the minimum compensation required by local law and provide all legally mandated benefits. In addition to payment for regular hours of work, employees are paid for overtime at such premium rate as is legally required.

    Social dialogue: SIRS respect the rights of workers to associate freely and communicate openly with management regarding working conditions without fear of harassment, intimidation, penalty, interference or reprisal.
  4. Anti-Corruption
    SIRS comply with the anti-corruption laws, directives and regulations that govern operations in the UK. SIRS refrain from offering any improper payments of money or anything of value to government officials, political parties, candidates for public office, or other persons. This includes a prohibition on facilitating payments intended to expedite or secure performance of a routine governmental action.

    SIRS exert reasonable due diligence to prevent and detect corruption in all business arrangements, including partnerships, joint ventures, offset agreements, and the hiring of intermediaries such as agents or consultants.

    SIRS compete on the merits of their products and services. The exchange of business courtesies may not be used to gain an unfair competitive advantage. In any business relationship, SIRS ensure that the offering or receipt of any gift or business courtesy is below the value of £50.00
  5. Ethical Policy

    Whistle-blower Protection
    SIRS provide their employees with avenues for raising legal or ethical issues or concerns without fear of retaliation. SIRS take action to prevent, detect, and correct any retaliatory actions.

    Consequences for violating the Code
    In the event that the expectations of this Code are not met, the business relationship may be reviewed and corrective action pursued subject to the terms of the related procurement contract(s.)

    Ethics Policies
    SIRS have established a management system to support compliance with laws and regulations, as well as the expectations expressed by our Customers. SIRS’ written code of conduct is available within the Company Manual, which is flowed down to our Employees. Suppliers’ expected code of conduct is available within SQD-108-4-3 and SIRS’ Terms and Conditions.